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Resource 3.3 “The Tell Tale Heart” Jigsaw Activity. 46-47. Resource 3.4A Text Dependent Questions for “The Tell-Tale Heart”. I. PLOT QUESTIONS FOR “THE TELL-TALE HEART” By EDGAR ALLAN POE. 1. Title: Based on the title, predict what the story will be about. Passages for LTF lessons are selected to challenge students, while lessons and activities make texts accessible. Guided practice with challenging texts allows We hope that they find these classroom-proven lessons to be as useful as you do. This month's Free Lesson is a lesson on The Tell-Tale Heart taken from The Best In this lesson, students participate in a Directed Listening–Thinking Activity (DLTA), in which they listen to "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe andThe Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe. Literary Skills. Understand narrator; understand irony. Reading Skills. Preview the story. Vocabulary. "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe. Table of Contents. Terms of Use. 2. Table of Contents Activity 4: Comprehension Guide/Objective Summary w/Key.
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